MB ChB Stellenbosch, 1986
MF Hom, UK, 1998
Prof Tony Attwood Master Class: Johannesburg 2017
MAPS conference and training 2016, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
MAPS conference and training October 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA
Mentorship dr. Julie Buckley (Paediatrician & DAN! Physician, USA) Cape Town July 2011
Mentorship dr. Julie Buckley (Paediatrician & DAN! Physician, USA) Jacksonville, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia 2009
Defeat Autism Now! Physician’s Training, April 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Mentorship dr. Jeff Bradstreet (M.D., DAN! Physician & researcher, USA) July2009 Cape Town
Mentorship dr. Julie Buckley (Paediatrician & DAN! Physician, USA) 2008 Pretoria
Defeat Autism Now! Physician’s Training, April 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Oprah Magazine South Africa:
Medical Opinion 2008
Medical Opinion February 2009
Peer-reviewed Article:
Child Health Magazine: Co-author Autism Review Article: Of Rain men and Snowcakes 2008 (Autism Review)
RSG various:
Johan Rademan (Homeopathy) 1999
Johan Rademan (Natural Medicine) 2000
Anthea Warner (Natural Medicine) 2008
Freek Robinson (Autism) 2009
Johan Rademan (Autism) 2010
Johan Rademan (Autism Month) March 2011
Bush Radio(Autism) 2009
Chai Fm (Autism) April 2011
FM1 Radio 2017 (Autism, ADHD)
e-TV: Great Expectations (Autism) 2009
SABC3: 3Talk with Noeleen (Autism) 2010
Special Assignment (Autism therapies) 2016
Carte Blanche (Exposing Chlorine Dioxide use in Autism) 2016
Western Cape Paediatric Practitioners Group August 2020 (We have the diagnosis – What follows?)
Reuterina Summit October 2019 (What is Autism)
Ethan Project Workshop July 2019 (What is Autism)
South African Conference for Integrative Medicine 2018 (ASD Unpacked)
Eversdal Primary Interest Group Meeting June 2018 (ADD and Diet)
Be More Health Conscious Conference September 2017 (Optimising Neurological Development in Challenged Children)
LEGGS Parent Support Group Stellenbosch August 2017 (Diagnosis, Diet and Supplements in Children)
Brackenfell GP Talk June 2017 (Omega 3 and Inflammation)
AFA Conference October 2012 (Autism: Practical South African Solutions)
Speaker Pokkelmander Open Day September 2012 (ADHD and diet)
Speaker Con Amoré School August 2012 (Looking at Autistic Spectrum Disorders)
Speaker CPC/Qualicare Open Day 9 June 2012
Guest Speaker at the HSA Cape Regional Meeting August 2011
Speaker at Star Academy/Great Plains Laboratory Workshop August 2011
Speaker at the Autism is Treatable Conference Cape Town July 2011
Keynote Speaker at the Tomatis International Summit May 2011
Keynote Speaker at the Autism Towards The Future Conference Johannesburg March 2011
Discussion Panel member Challenging Children Conference 2010
Speaker Autism Is Treatable Conference Johannesburg and Cape Town 2008
Lecturer SA Faculty of Homeopathy